Here's a little bit about me.
I grew up in South Carolina and Richmond, Virginia, a middle child in a big Catholic family. I majored in English at the University of South Carolina, and did an M.A. in Creative Writing at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. As a freelance journalist, I've contributed to the Wall Street Journal, Slate, CNBC and NBC News, Lit Hub, Electric Lit, and many others. Poe for Your Problems is my first book. Here's a recent interview I did about how I became a writer and got an agent and a book deal, etc.
You can reach me at my gmail, catbaabmuguira@gmail.com, or find me on Twitter and Instagram. And I'm on Goodreads here.
For inquiries with my publisher, contact Seta Zink, seta.zink@hbgusa.com.
And for all media inquiries, interviews, etc, please contact Heidi Vanderlee, heidi@positivejampr.com. Thank you!